Don’t Do Your Own Research!!!

In this perceptive video, the great James Corbett exhorts his viewers — “Do your own research! Read it for yourself! It’s in the show notes! How many times have I uttered these words? These exhortations represent the founding ethos of The Corbett Report. I want you to read the source documents for yourself and come to your own conclusions. But guess what? The establishment doesn’t want you to think for yourself, and now that the Corona World Order is beginning the Great Reset, they are coming out and saying as much.”

I absolutely agree with every word Corbett said. In all my over 1800 articles and blogs at LRC I have provided background sources of books, videos, articles, book/DVD lists, documents, essays, and reports for my readers to study and reflect upon in order for you to do your independent research and analysis. Ignore the gatekeepers and presstitutes of the establishment mainstream media and find out the truth for yourself.


7:10 am on August 21, 2020