“Do What You’re Told,” Part II

I doubt any of us are surprised that Fauxchi and his “UK colleagues” deplore their respective serfs’ alleged “independent spirit” when it comes to obeying senseless, contradictory and harmful orders regarding masks, anti-social distancing, etc. 

But like everything this sociopath discusses, that “ independent spirit” lives largely in his demented imagination. Most Americans supinely submit to his diabolical commands; polls vary, but in August, “More than eight-in-ten U.S. adults (85%) say they …[muzzled themselves] all or most of the time over the past month,” up from 65% in June.

If 85% obedience doesn’t gladden Comrade Fauxchi’s tyrannical heart, how high must the percentage climb?

His attitude, and the majority of Americans’ compliance, means your defiance is all the more essential and significant.


11:35 am on November 14, 2020