Freedom Matters

Congratulations to Swiss entrepreneur and libertarian Anthony Wile, founder of The Daily Bell, on his new ventures! He writes to current subscribers:

I appreciate the time and attention you give to reading The Daily Bell. All of us who work on it day by day hope that its independent thinking rewards you with a better, or at least an alternative, understanding of the river of messages the mainstream media keep sending your way.

The Daily Bell is a free publication, and we intend to keep it that way — part of our strategy to reach as many interested readers as possible. The enthusiasms of the little corps who produce it should be enough to keep it going.

Soon we will be sending you the first issue of a something new — Freedom Matters. It’s a monthly and the official publication of the recently formed Foundation For The Advancement of Free Market Thinking. The business of the Foundation is to foster the public’s understanding of the value of freedom and the central role that unfettered markets play in a truly free society. That’s an objective you undoubtedly share.

Like the Daily Bell, Freedom Matters will be delivered gratis. It comes to you with our compliments. From time to time, however, Freedom Matters will carry a little tin cup into which you will be invited to drop a nickel or a dime or even a larger coin to support the work of the Foundation. We’ll try to make it clear why we believe you should consider joining the Foundation’s financial supporters.

In any event, when you receive the inaugural edition of Freedom Matters, please don’t mistake it for a message from a stranger. It will be coming from a friend.


12:47 pm on September 21, 2010