The Curious Catholic Conundrum

In the current artificial uproar surrounding DACA, Obama’s unconstitutional diktat annulling immigration law, one notices a curious sidebar:

The strongest advocates for DACA in Congress are Catholic pro-abortion Democrats. The strongest DACA advocates outside of Congress are America’s Catholic bishops.

DACA supporters support defying the law – but just in this case, right?

Wrong. Because the Catholic Church has a law too. And according to that law, bishops are required to publicly condemn “who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” When that persistence is public, the bishop is required to respond publicly, in charity to the faithful as well as to avoid scandal. (Canon 915)

The Catholic Church – and, of course, its bishops – considers abortion to be murder. Clearly the pro-abortion Catholic politicians advocating DACA are – according to the bishops’ own law, of course – certainly persisting  “in manifest grave sin” – yet they are silent, even when those Catholic politicians are their own representatives in Congress.

Bishops constantly appeal to the Constitution in defense of their religious freedom, which was threatened on countless fronts by Obama and Clinton. Yet, while Catholics’ religious freedom depends on the protection of the law, the bishops  cavalierly and obstinately persist in defying the law.






8:20 am on September 5, 2017