Cultural Inquisition

Some call it the Woke Inquisition. It is an inquisition when people exercising rightful speech are forced out of their jobs by intimidation, by pseudo-judicial procedures, by intense questioning of selected targets such as outspoken academics in universities and colleges, by suspensions, and by harassment, among other methods of this new inquisition. It is a cultural inquisition when major media thwart and censor selected views.

America, Canada and the UK are countries experiencing this cultural inquisition. There may be others. It’s being supported by people in our midst whom we have elected to office. It’s being lauded and paid for by people like George Soros and by others we don’t know by name who have comfortable leadership positions in all sorts of organizations: the military, government, corporations, the media, foundations, schools and universities. It’s being manned on the streets and in the universities by mobs of mis-educated men and women whose ages are predominantly 18-35 years. Our blind financial support of the education system and our failure to control the system with proper educational content is responsible for generating mobs. Our active support of mistaken educational content in schools and universities is responsible for generating ill-educated, mis-educated mobs.

The Inquisition’s being joined under such banners as anti-police, anti-racism and anti-fascism. It is anti-white, anti-civilization, anti-property, anti-police and anti-middle class. In some forms, it is like affirmative action carried to unheard of extremes. In other forms, it is attempting to burn down courthouses.

This cultural inquisition has several faces and breaks out in multiple locations, making it hard to pin down. There is no known and identifiable central power in control of it. The common means of the inquisition are violence, threats, intimidation, harassment, mobs, fires, missiles, job pressures, lies, graffiti, embarrassment, and censorship.

The Inquisition uses shaming. It blocks people from social media. It calls for boycotts.
The Cultural Inquisition has latched upon “injustice” as a motivating means. It’s using a variety of changing slogans to propel the inquisition onward and broaden it. That is why we suddenly are bombarded with charges of “systemic racism” and demands for “equality”. That is why we suddenly are expected to applaud all sorts of sexual practices and teach them to children. All of a sudden transsexualism, which is a very minor sexual matter, becomes a controversy over bathrooms and what kids are taught and by whom in reading hours. It’s all crazy and senseless. Much of it is dangerous to us and our children, but it still is publicized because it’s controversial. It still furthers the Inquisition. The bombardment of one new thing after another confuses and disturbs the usual social equilibrium. The COVID-19 behaviors have unluckily provided an environment that’s aided the forces of the Cultural Inquisition.

Another tactic is to smear our entire culture by equating it to the behaviors of a few bad actors or those accused of being bad actors.

Despite its many facets, all of this destruction of people’s lives, with its several faces, is one united thing: a cultural inquisition. The single unifying thrust of all of it is to suppress our existing culture and replace it with other systems and powers. That is the broader meaning of cancel culture that goes beyond forcing people out of their positions.

The Cultural Inquisition will be defeated, but not without conscious steps taken by ordinary people to suppress it. The Inquisition’s own excesses will generate powerful forces counter to it. We will experience a kind of civil struggle that revamps the main institutions that have been subverted and now harbor the strongest support for the Inquisition. It won’t be a shooting war, although some physical clashes are bound to occur, not unless government makes the mistake of siding with the Inquisition. In that case, there will be widespread rebellion. If government avoids this blunder, then the main establishment that must be revamped is the educational system, bottom to top. Mis-education is rampant in America, and it’s being conducted by an infiltration of inquisitors who have gained positions of power, who choose textbooks, who write textbooks, and who are busy shaping the minds of children and young adults. This system has to be purged and replaced. That’s the main challenge in order to defuse the Inquisition once and for all. This can be done because the public controls the money that supports these inquisitors.


9:46 am on August 14, 2020