Crusading Not For Christ But For Masks

Tim reports:

I went for a bit of a drive [this past Sunday] morning looking at churches and their parking lots.  Obviously there is a lot of potential error in these observations but what I saw was rather disconcerting.  Of all the ten or so churches I saw, not even one of them had a parking lot that was more than half full when ordinarily most of those church lots would be packed and overflow parking would be on the streets around them.  In addition to churches appearing to be half empty there was also a couple that had no signs of life in them at all and while it’s possible that they’d finished their services and people had left before I got there, I have my doubts. Also, a few of the churches had large signs visible from the street encouraging or “mandating” masks.  Though one church did appear to have people leaving a service mostly without any masks as I was driving past, so I might have to check that church out sometime.  All that said, I fear that a prediction I made back in March is coming true and that being forced out of church will make a lot of people decide that they were wasting their time and won’t bother returning. …

On a brighter note, perhaps some absentees are protesting the anti-Scriptural requirement to muzzle themselves. 

A few weeks ago, I visited a church that refuses to require masks or even to post signs about them. Out of the 250 or so folks there, not a single one sported a muzzle! I actually relaxed for the first time since this madness seized the Church and finally, finally, praise the Lord, concentrated exclusively on worshipping Him instead of noticing and deploring masks. What a respite from the lunacy!

Yet Parson Goat guzzles the Kool-Aid and claims that because masks save lives, no Christian should object to them. Yvonne Lorenzo forwarded an article debunking this outrageous lie from many angles, including practical, medical and political.

I wish Parson Goat would read it, but I begin to doubt that he’s literate.


5:00 pm on August 3, 2020