COVID-19 In Erie County, New York

Erie County, New York has a population of 919,000 people. Buffalo is its major city. The following data are provided as is and with no interpretation. There are numerous issues, questions, challenges and problems that can be raised about these data.

As of this time, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is 802. (Source of data is here.)

The spread of confirmed cases has gone as follows:

3/19 26
3/20 47
3/21 56
3/22 64
3/23 96
3/24 121
3/25 146
3/26 221
3/27 310
3/28 380
3/29 414
3/30 443
3/31 553
4/1 582
4/2 734
4/3 802

As of this time, the number of recovered is 141. The number of deaths is 22. The number of active cases is (802 – 141 – 22) = 639.

The number of confirmed cases in the U.S. is 239,279 as of 4/2. That is 0.074 percent of a population of 325 million. In Erie County at that date, the comparable number is 100 x (734/919,000) = 0.08 percent. In both the U.S. and Erie County, the current numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases are less than one-tenth of one percent of their respective populations. This is less than 1 person in a thousand.


8:56 am on April 4, 2020