Congrats, Kentucky!

If you live in the Blue Grass State, you can join Jim in rejoicing over “a momentous legal defeat” for its odious dictator, Andy Beshear. As Jim summarizes it:

In January of this year, our legislature (with a supermajority of over 75% in each house) passed legislation ending the so-called “state of emergency” and restricted the governor from any more mandates. He vetoed it, of course, and they overrode it. He then took the matter to his favorite circuit judge and had implementation blocked (on what grounds? the legislature gave the governor emergency powers in the first place, as it’s not in the state constitution, so they can take it away). The appeal wound its way to the state supreme court, and today they ruled that the legislation is constitutional (duh!) and it stands. 

The upshot, he says, is that

Kentucky is freer! Notice I didn’t say free. That would only happen if we abolished government at all levels. But we’ll take what we can get at this point.

Yeah. I’d prefer that mobs of irate serfs run these sociopaths not only out of office but out of town on a rail rather than waiting on the courts. But at least this despot can no longer tyrannize his subjects as extensively.


8:42 am on August 23, 2021