Compare and Contrast

Compare and contrast the childhood and formative years of development of “the Democrat,” U. S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, with that of “the Dictator,” German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, in shaping their distinctive personalities and leadership of their two nations.  The Democrat and the Dictator – Transcript

Analyze how propaganda was used in National Socialist Germany and in the United States to motivate their peoples during World War II.

The outbreak of World War II saw two motion picture experts from Germany and the United States battle each other with as much ferocity as any army or navy. Their respective missions: to ignite a public desire to wage and win a global conflict. This program contains interviews with Fritz Hippler, chief filmmaker for the Nazi Party, and Frank Capra, renowned filmmaker who worked for the Allied cause, noted for his gentle, humane films about ordinary folk standing up to oppression. WWII: The Propaganda Battle – Transcript


1:34 pm on May 10, 2021