Christian Right Tea Partiers

I had never paid much attention to regime officials Jim Demint (R-SC) and Mike Pence (R-IN) until recently, but I saw them both on TV recently, beautifully coiffed and wearing extremely expensive suits (Burt Blumert always used to wonder who the DC tailor was, and who picked up his tab). They identify with the Christian right, Jerry Fallwell’s old trick to make sure Evangelicals paid no attention to the state, and seek to direct the Tea Party into supporting their side of the federal crime syndicate. Neither one will name one thing he wants to cut. Both are ardent endorsers of war, empire, and police statism, and are in the pay of the military-industrial complex and corporatism in general. I am all for kicking the Democrats out of power, but the prospect of these types gaining it instead, and using libertarian-sounding rhetoric to do so, is sickening.


2:15 pm on September 20, 2010