Calling Yogi Bear

Cops hourly prove that they consider themselves superior to us serfs and that they are therefore entitled to attack us physically, insult us, lord it over us, thieve from us, and generally abuse us as much and how they please.

But who knew “park rangers” share these delusions of sordid grandeur? And that merely blowing your car’s horn at so exalted a functionary triggers not only those delusions but violence as well?

A “33-year-old Summit [County, Ohio] Metro Parks ranger … wrestledCarl Wilson, 72, “to the ground and kicked” Mrs. Margaret Wilson, 71,” after the couple had the audacity to honk at him: Axner flipped on his turn signal to turn left into the park and said Carl Wilson honked his horn and then angled right and drove around Axner.”

This didn’t set well with Ranger Ass-sorry, Axner. And so he “followed the Wilsons’ truck about a half-mile … When the Wilsons were less than a block from their home, Axner turned on the flashing lights of his patrol vehicle and tried to stop them…Carl Wilson ignored the ranger’s lights, Axner said, and after pausing at a red traffic light, pulled into the driveway of their home. Axner followed, and as he exited his ranger vehicle, he said Carl Wilson ‘began walking toward him yelling that I can’t stop him.’ Axner said he told Wilson three times to get back into his pickup, but Wilson continued toward him ‘with an elevated voice in an aggressive manner,’ Axner said.”

I would have reacted just as poor Mr. Wilson did. Since when do Yogi Bear’s sidekicks get to arrest us and order us around—outside of any park to boot? Well, since the Supreme Dorks invented that power for them in 2013. It seems that the Amerikan police-state empowers any ruffian wearing polyester clothes and a tin badge to detain and cage us.

And that after “kicking” and “wrestling” with people old enough to be their assailant’s grandparents. Ass excused bashing Mrs. Wilson because she grabbed a baseball bat to defend her husband, and understandably so: Mr. Wilson “was wearing a protective brace to shield his heart while his bones healed following open-heart surgery.” Where’s Yogi when we need him to wallop a thug but good?

Ass not only cuffed the Wilsons with the help of arriving cops, he also cited this elderly couple for a long list of offences, most of which boil down to “They ticked me off.” Astoundingly, given that Leviathan’s agencies stand by their brutal employees no matter how they rough us up, a “parks spokesman … said they were in the process of dropping all charges against the couple and that Axner’s boss had expressed regret about what happened…” Tragically, Bossman isn’t sorry enough to horsewhip and fire the bully, though: no, predictably he’s “on paid administrative leave while Summit Metro Parks investigates…


6:28 pm on September 30, 2017