Big News! Liar Endorses Liar!

Well, well. Paul Wolfowitz has emerged from well-earned obscurity to condemn Donald Trump as “dangerous.”

This is the best news the Trump campaign has had in weeks. Wolfowitz, as deputy to Donald Rumsfeld at defense, managed the Selective-Intel campaign for the neocon cabal that ranged from the White House (convicted liar Elliott Abrams at the NSC) to Cheney’s office (convicted liar Scooter Libby) to scandal-magnet and war profiteer Richer Perle (forced to leave Defense Intelligence Board for allegations of war profiteering) to ….

Well, you get the drift.

Naturally, they all blame Obama for the disasters they spawned in the Middle East, but I prefer the Pope: John Paul II warned Bush that his war would cause chaos in the Middle East; evidently superior to the saint both morally and intellectually, Bush gave the pope’s personal emissary the back of his hand.

I should add that Catholic Jeb now sides with the pope.

Speaking of “dangerous,” it would be rude but interesting to inquire of Wolfowitz’s wife and mother of his three children how she would describe her husband, who publicly humiliated her by acquiring a Saudi mistress while he was frolicking in the Hot Tub as President of the World Bank (his “reward” for doing such a good job at Defense! After all,  no one else in town could actually enrage Senator Dick Lugar, Rumsfeld ally and Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, but Wolfowitz did).

Wolfowitz is Exhibit A (along with any others, admittedly) for how power corrupts.

Several of the Deadly Sins come to mind, but his plundering, his betrayals, his lying, his casual hubris, his flamboyant power lust, his arrogant defiance, and now his embrace of Hillary are picture-perfect manifestations of how the bipartisan establishment got that way, and why Trump will empty the DC Hot Tub in the only way possible: from the outside.

Narcissism rules and endures among the neocons, virulent and highly resistant to extirpation.

They are always wrong, and they never, ever apologize.


8:59 am on August 29, 2016