Another Theater in the War on Liberty

My favorite filmmaker, Colin Gunn, is “celebrating” the Supreme Dorks’ legislation on sodomy with free views of his first documentary, Shaky Town. Produced eleven years ago, Shaky Town chronicles “the stand against the homosexual agenda in the 1970’s and 80’s in San Francisco and the fight against gay marriage in the early 2000’s.” Ergo, it’s as relevant as if Mr. Gunn had released it last week.

Though Shaky Town doesn’t phrase it this way, the push for “gay marriage” is actually a war on Biblical Christianity and the political liberty it fosters. To realize how profoundly sodomites hate Jesus Christ, watch as they fire-bomb a pastor’s sleeping family in San Francisco, mob a church, and bully Christians opposing their totalitarianism. They hope to quash all dissent—and that should worry not just Christians but all who prize freedom.

Unsurprisingly, given its other evils, the US Navy is partially responsible for San Francisco’s degeneracy. Shaky Town begins with the startling revelation that the Navy discharged homosexual sailors in the Bay City’s port for decades, producing a population obsessed with perversion. Meanwhile, the movie also refutes the central lie of “gay marriage”: most sodomites—almost 80%, according to one study and 95-98% according to others—despise commitment, and the few who don’t rarely hang on for longer than 18 months. Rather, the movement lusts to destroy Biblical morality and marriage. And since the family as God designed it is one of our best bulwarks against the State, Leviathan enthusiastically promotes sodomy’s agenda.

We who love liberty need to understand the statism, idolatry of political power, and tyranny driving homosexuality. It isn’t just an “alternate lifestyle.” It is yet another very lethal assault on liberty via a back-door, so to speak, that has fooled even some of freedom’s friends.


11:13 am on July 1, 2015