Another Obama Kiss of Death?

When the arrogant socialist former president threatened England should the British people vote to secede from the EU oligarchy, it only strengthened the resolve of the secessionists and aided their victory.  This suggests that the socialist candidate for president of France, Emmanuel Macron (mislabeled by the American lying media scum as an “independent centrist”) should be a little worried today since Obama “endorsed” him yesterday.

And Marine Le Pen (always smeared as “far” right by the lying media scum) should send Obama a thank you note.  Maybe even a bottle of fine French wine.

France’s left-wing feminists are ecstatic over Macron because, according to numerous articles in the media, he began sleeping with his wife, who is 25 years his senior, when he was 15 years old. “It’s about time” the taboo on such practices was lifted, they are saying.  His parents reportedly said that they “didn’t call the police,” but voiced their disapproval of their 15-year-old son having sex with a 40-year-old woman.  Of course, Hillary Clinton also won 100% of the left-wing feminist vote. It didn’t lead to victory because 100% of the left-wing feminist vote is just 100% of the left-wing feminist vote.


8:21 am on May 5, 2017