Anatomy of a Fraud – The Series is one of the world’s leading websites which discusses politics and economics and how the intersection of both affect the rights and livelihood of persons and their families, whether the subject is war and peace, the erosion or protection of our civil liberties, or in the case of the following documentaries alerting persons to be vigilant and alert to fraudulent investments schemes. All governments, from the ancient city-states of Sumer to those across the planet today, exist by implementing force and fraud to plunder and victimize their subject populations. There are criminals among us who also engage in these deceptive practices as illustrated below.

The old saying that “if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Here is the classic documentary, Catching a Con in Pottawatomie County, exposing the intricate workings of a classic Ponzi scheme by profiling one of Oklahoma’s multimillion-dollar securities fraud cases.

The Rogue Broker is a case study documentary subtitled the “Mini Madoff,” an Oklahoma stock broker transitioned from a once legitimate and successful business person to engaging in a fraudulent Ponzi scheme.

The Casanova Con is a documentary concerning a serial fraudster who used online dating websites to lure innocent, single women into his web of deception and investment fraud.


9:59 am on January 27, 2021