About All Those Cancelled Elective Surgeries

To supposedly make room for all the cold virus deaths falsely predicted by the bogus, phony CDC “models,” hospitals everywhere in the U.S. cancelled all elective surgeries.  I’ve read almost nothing about the human cost of this, but I can share a personal story.  A few years ago I had a total hip replacement surgery.  My surgeon showed me the x-ray showing extreme arthritis and no cartilage left, with bone-on-bone friction.  With every step I could hear a click, and the pain got worse and worse and eventually became constant.

I scheduled surgery for the end of the semester, planning on recovering during the five-week Christmas break.  That was a mistake.  In September I was still getting around, although with some arthritic pain.  It got worse rather quickly, so that by the time my first-week-in-December scheduled surgery arrived I was about a week away from a wheel chair.  (All went well; I walked into my surgeon’s office two weeks after leaving the hospital, and within six weeks–and a month of physical rehab–I was going on my 7-mile morning bike rides with no arthritis pain at all).

There have to be many thousands of Americans in even worse shape than that who have simply had to endure all the pain and disability, with no concern whatsoever expressed by our rulers, the hospitals, the media, or anyone else.



4:25 pm on April 21, 2020