A Shepherd Calls Out The Goats

Is Parson Goat damnably naive or downright evil? Whichever it is, he supinely accepted COVIDCon from the beginning. The fact that it was Marxism wrapped in the fetish of safety never seemed to bother him.

You and I immediately recognized the totalitarianism, so why didn’t Goat? Then, too, many of us tried to caution him about coronapocalypse’s communism, but he rejected our warning much as ancient Israel rejected the Biblical prophets: angrily and contemptuously.

The heroic Artur Pawlowski in Canada now adds his admonition to ours. Perhaps your Goat will listen to this martyr even if he won’t heed you:

[Rev. Pawlowski] says that persecutions of Christians across Western nations like Canada are a sign of a “Communist takeover,” masquerading behind “health protocols.”

Pawlowski calls on all Christians to rise and stand up to the medical tyranny and religious discrimination by governments, and to “push the darkness away” from all institutions with courage and bravery. He points out that if every pastor and clergyman would fight for the faith in Christ like he is doing, “this whole fight would be over. We would win within a day.”

Yes, we would. Even the most brutal and totalitarian of regimes tyrannizes only with the acquiescence  of its serfs. 

The West’s catapult into Marxism is on you, Parson.


10:52 am on May 24, 2021