A Novel (Coronavirus) Way to Protect Yourself from the TSA

Traffic in American skies  has drastically diminished thanks not to the agony the Thieves and Sexual Assailants at airports inflict on travelers but to the hysteria Our Rulers have ginned up over COVID19. The TSA is now groping less than 100,000 victims daily instead of its usual 2.5 million.

Meanwhile, those passengers drunk on Leviathan’s Kool-Aid don “a surgical mask, face shield, [and] gloves”; the pervs at checkpoints force them to “briefly lower” their masks—just long enough to admit coronavirus germs in case those from the CDC’s test-kits haven’t already infected them. Here’s yet another internal contradiction in this hoax’s hoopla: if C-virus is more virulent than bubonic plague and smallpox combined, as despots pretend, why does the TSA compel sheeple to remove their masks? Especially when the agency has never, in its 19 years, caught a single terrorist—though 865,585 Americans have caught coronavirus. Must be tough for Leviathan to keep all his lies straight (“Coronavirus is worse than the Black Death! Terrorists lurk everywhere!”). Choosing among those fables also reveals the beast’s priorities: terrorists win out over coronavirus as a bugbear.

Meanwhile, are some passengers exploiting COVID19 to defend themselves from gate-rape? “...[A] couple of people [on a flight from Miami to New York City] wore full hazmat suits.” [Emphasis hilariously added!]

Yeah, let me dream: it’s too depressing to think that those suits indicate unquestioning, imbecilic acceptance of government’s patent lies rather than an attempt to thwart official molestation.


11:54 am on April 25, 2020