A Libertarian Analysis of Conjoined Twins

From: A
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 10:07 PM
To: Walter Block
Subject: Re: invitation to co author

Dear Walter,

A topic that has always intrigued me is Siamese Twins (I’m a descendant of Eng). How does libertarianism apply to conjoined twins? For example, Eng’s conjoined twin Chang was an alcoholic which led to Chang’s demise which brought about Eng’s end. Chang was a competent adult, so should he have been allowed to drink? Furthermore, assume one conjoined twin is angelic while her conjoined twin is a compulsive murderer. Assuming the two cannot be separated, does the good twin have to suffer for the bad? My brief searches haven’t yielded an answer to this philosophical inquiry. Consequently, I would be delighted to explore the matter with you.

Dear A: I don’t know the full solution to all the issues you raise, but I have published on this matter. Hopefully, this is a good start upon which to build. On conjoined twins, see this:

Dyke, Jeremiah and Walter E. Block. 2011. “Explorations in Property Rights: Conjoined Twins.” Libertarian Papers, Vol. 3, Art. 38; http://libertarianpapers.org/articles/2011/lp-3-38.pdf


4:33 pm on February 25, 2019