A Compulsory Jab We Can All Endorse!

TSA screeners deserve the best protection available, and that protection today is covid-19 vaccines.

Hear, hear!

(I hesitate to detract from such a sterling recommendation by mentioning another, self-contradictory paragraph from the same article. But this one proves yet again, if only COVIDCon’s True Believers could open their minds a smidgeon, that masks et al are good only only for signaling submission, not for preventing illness:

The TSA has taken aggressive steps to protect airport security screeners and travelers, with acrylic barriers, face coverings, gloves and face shields. In spite of such precautions, the number of new cases [among the Thieves and Sexual Assailants], which had leveled off in June, is now surging.

Say it ain’t so!)


4:42 pm on August 2, 2021