LRC Blog

Draining Your Body’s (Lymph) Swamp

There was a vitally important article on the Main Page of yesterday, April 22, 2024 by Dr Mercola titled, Improve Your Physical and Psychological Health With This Simple Lymphatic Drainage Routine, which can be found HERE.

If you’ve not yet read this article about this BIG 6 LYMPH FLOW PROTOCOL I urge you to do so.

More importantly, please view the two videos offered and please try this simple protocol for a couple of weeks.

It will only take you – literally – a minute or so to do each day once you get the hang of it and results are profound.

My wife and I discovered this Big 6 Protocol many months ago and since then have been recommending it to everyone we know.

Our fellow health practitioner friends have also been recommending it to the people in their care – and we have all seen excellent results from it.

Some have reported their digestion improved, others their thinking has become more clear, one lady reported her cellulite vanished.

I’m a very active person who exercises virtually every day – but I also sit at a desk for many hours at a time. In recent years my ankles would start to swell and I’d have to occasionally wear compression socks.

….Well, no more!

My ankles no longer swell and I credit that to my daily – one minute long – routine of doing the Big 6 Protocol which gets the lymph system to FLOW more efficiently.

Here’s a tidbit of the terrific article by Dr Mercola on why lymph drainage is so essential to our health – physical and mental.

“The lymphatic system is a crucial part of your body’s immune and waste removal systems, and as such play a significant role in your overall health and well-being.

“Its proper functioning affects physical, mental, and emotional health through its network of vessels and nodes that transport lymph, a fluid containing white blood cells and waste products.

[MM COMMENT: Stuck Non-Flowing waste creates a stagnant polluted swamp in the body.]

“Your lymphatic system helps remove toxins and waste, supports the immune system, and aids in the absorption and transport of fats and vitamins.

“The lymphatic system of your brain is called the glymphatic system, and it’s essential for removing waste products from your brain.

“When either of these systems gets congested, sluggish or blocked, it can have severe effects on your physical and mental/neurological health.”

This very simple protocol will serve you very well.

Please give the Big 6 Protocol a try.

And please share this post with everyone you care about. Thank you.

5:41 am on April 23, 2024

CIA To Zelensky: ‘Please Stop Stealing So Much.’

12:42 pm on April 22, 2024

Climate Change Communist Party (CCCP) Celebrates Lenin’s Birthday Today, April 22

Only they call it “Earth Day.”  (By the way, CCCP also stands for “Central Committee of the Communist Party).

9:24 am on April 22, 2024

‘Charles, You’ve Always Been a Radical’

A few years ago, while I was still teaching high school, I was standing in the hall outside my classroom between classes and wished our principal a Happy Earth Day. I pointed out to her how I remembered celebrating the first one in 1970. I was a senior in high school and had walked two miles to school wearing a gas mask to make a dramatic statement about air pollution. She said, “Charles, you’ve always been a radical.” Struck by the incredible irony of her remark, I emailed her my LRC article composed that day precisely proving her point. But no chanting ecologically-correct haiku’s to Mother Gaia for my students. It was “Coup for the Day” in my history classes, where I proceeded to deconstruct the farcical conclusions of the Warren Commission Report, stressing the complicity of LBJ in those murderous high jinx.

2:24 am on April 22, 2024

Walter Karp on Textbook America

This is the classic article that predicted how the teaching of American History would be subverted, perverted or distorted by ideological grifters, especially progressives and their “Woke” descendants. Walter Karp was my mentor on the subject. He was one of America’s most astute and brilliant essayists. Karp championed the core values of our Republic against those who would replace it with an empire and an elite oligarchy, a true Jeffersonian republican and foe of this plutocratic oligarchy which has dominated our nation-state since its inception. In such uncompromising works as Indispensable Enemies: The Politics of Misrule, The Politics of War: The Story of Two Wars Which Altered Forever the Political Life of the American Republic, Liberty Under Siege: American Politics 1976-1988, and Buried Alive: Essays on Our Endangered Republic, Karp demonstrated his unparalleled ability to accurately see and cogently describe the raw essence of political power.

2:05 pm on April 21, 2024

Tucker and Rogan

Just loaded to Spotify: Tucker Carlson on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

2:40 pm on April 19, 2024

Don’t Expect The Fed To Fix The Problems It Created!

The government and the Fed are a tag-team of power that have pummeled America. The former spends trillions (that it doesn’t have) pretending to rule the world. The latter counterfeits those trillions into existence, destroying our economy and driving prices into the stratosphere. There can be no economic freedom living under this morally corrupt couple. Only ultimate bankruptcy. The marriage of Bank & State needs to be annulled.

12:39 pm on April 19, 2024

Brandon Finally Offers Some Good Advice

“Choose freedom over democracy,” His Senility recently said.  Democracy being just another word for “government,” Brandon had no idea what he was saying, as usual.  (Or as Ben Franklin supposedly said, democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch).

11:45 am on April 19, 2024

I Like New Orleans Cuisine . . .

. . . but some of the recent trends really bug me.  To paraphrase Klaus Schwab, “You will eat insects and you will like it.”

11:26 am on April 19, 2024

News About Murray Rothbard’s Favorite American Political Philosopher

David Hart of the Liberty Fund has put online a new edition of John C. Calhoun’s Disquisition on Government and A Discourse on the Constitution and Government of the United States, two great expositions of libertarian class analysis and the most prescient political commentary I have ever read.  He says he was prompted to finish up the job after reading my recent article about Calhoun.

Here’s an article by Hans-Hermann Hoppe on Marxian and Austrian School Class Analysis.

9:27 am on April 19, 2024

The Fable of the Mono & Epstein-Barr “Virus”

The “virus” responsible for Mononucleosis and the Epstein-Barr (EBV) is said to infect almost everyone – starting in childhood.

Worse, this “virus” is said to be a root cause of a growing number of diseases including cancers and even multiple sclerosis.

Now it is being used to justify the development of a vaccine that’s clearly aimed at the childhood vaccination schedule.

However, this mythology has its origins in the 1960’s and there are pivotal virology papers that started this mythology – that everyone needs to know about.

What exactly is the condition generally known as glandular fever and why is it unwise to act as though there is an ‘it’ passing around?

What is the body trying to do – and – how can we learn from the experience?

Please join Dr. Sam Bailey for this important video, HERE. (20 min)

Highly Recommended.

7:20 pm on April 18, 2024

‘War Time’ Speaker Johnson’s Ukraine Border Defense Bill Leaves US Borders Wide Open!

12:54 pm on April 18, 2024

Mises, Hayek, and Moicano

Featured on Fox Business with Charles Payne yesterday.  Click on the box in the middle with the picture of Renato Moicano.

11:34 am on April 18, 2024

Will Planet Fitness ‘Go Woke, Go Broke’?

The founder and former CEO of Planet Fitness opens up about the company’s insane woke policies.

Planet Fitness Inc. (NYSE:PLNT) Founder and CEO Mike Grondahl detailed a history of rampant abuse at the company and alleged it misrepresented its financials during a recent interview with controversial right-wing X user Libs of TikTok.

This comes after weeks of calls for boycotts of the brand after the company canceled the membership of a Planet Fitness gym goer after speaking out about a biological male in the women’s locker room.


10:04 pm on April 17, 2024

Virology’s Event Horizon – Executive Summary of a Must-Read Essay

Many of you have read a Farewell To Virology by Dr. Mark Bailey and watched many of Dr. Sam Bailey’s videos.

Mark created Farewell for experts in science and medical researchers. It’s impact has been tremendous; it’s been downloaded over 250,000 times, uploaded to many other websites, translated into several languages and shared with others countless times.

Mark’s latest is a short 7 page essay that zeros in on the fatal flaws in virology.

For your convenience, I’ve created the below Executive Summary, with my comments and emphasis interspersed. I hope you find it valuable as an introduction and study guide.

I encourage everyone to read and share Mark’s full essay, (HERE).

Virology’s Event Horizon – Executive Summary


From Mark,

“It remains largely unappreciated that viruses were not discovered and then studied – they were imagined.

“Virology went on to invent itself on the basis of these hypothetical particles:

“… One of the pivotal issues in virology was that it invented itself as a field before establishing if viruses actually existed. It has been trying to justify itself since it’s inception.”


The reification fallacy is “the error of treating something that is not concrete, such as an idea, as a concrete thing.”

Great examples are ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ and an imaginary unicorn. Both are made up, not-real, mythical ideas and not concrete, real things.

Dr. Mark states: this is virology’s “Original Sin.”


Science experiments first require a hypothesis that A causes B.

To conduct the experiment Science must eliminate ALL other potential variables (C,D,E through Z) in order to find the one, unique thing, “A”, that causes an effect, “B”.

This single, distinct, independent thing, “A” is called the Independent Variable.

The independent variable is the isolated focal point that’s assumed, but not proven, to cause a unique, specific effect – which is called the dependent variable, “B”.

From Mark:

“…the scientific method [has] the requirement to generate a hypothesis (that is necessarily falsifiable) and then to test it with experiments.

“The independent variable is the postulated cause of this observation or effect.

“The experiments must possess a dependent variable – the part that is an observation or effect – that depends on an independent variable [to be its cause].”

MM Comment: This has never been done regarding viruses – Ever.


Related to viruses Mark explains,

“Two specimens are used, one that is [supposed to be] infected with the virus vector of interest, the other is treated the same way except with out the virus.”

This is to show that the independent variable is the most likely cause of the observed effect.

From Mark:

“Experiments also require a ‘control’, namely the ability to compare variables and conditions in a manner that makes it possible to observe the results when varying *one* factor at a time.”

Mark then states,

“And herein lies the complete downfall of virology and the virus model itself.

“An experiment that follows the scientific method and purports to show the existence of a virus needs to have a valid control to establish that the observed effects are the result of the virus (the claimed independent variable) and not other factors.”


This logical fallacy is also referred to as Petitio Principii. It purports to prove a proposition while simultaneously taking the proposition for granted.

Think: Cart Before the Horse.

From Mark,

“The only experiments they can possibly perform must fall back on the prior assertion that viral particles are present in one group and not present in the ‘mock-infected’ group. …this is a logical fallacy.”

Here’s a key point from Mark:

“… The reason the virologists have “neglected” to perform valid cell culture control experiments is because that by definition they are not able to do so.”

Then Mark delivers the sword through the heart of virology:

“Cytopathic Effects (CPEs are the death of cells) are claimed to indicate the presence of viruses but they can only be said to be the observation of cells breaking down in a test well.”

“The CPEs are the dependent variable in the experiment but it is patently clear that no independent variable (a virus) can be discerned in this process.


Mark provides these three points in summary:

“a) The particles being declared as viral are seen for the first time as part of the CPE observations, i.e. they are dependent variables. It is preposterous to claim that they are also the independent variable in the same experiment.

“b) The in vitro (laboratory) observations cannot be known to represent any in vivo (within living) process (It is beyond what the virologists’ cell culture technique can determine).

“c) The techniques involved in electron microscopy introduced further variables that are not controlled in addition to technical artifact and the further limitation that they are static structures embedded in resin, not living tissue.”

“The attempts to support the virus model through scientific methods have clearly failed and the imagined viruses have no known existence outside of logical fallacies and pseudo scientific claims.”


I urge everyone to read this paper thoroughly and especially to read through all of the references and notes. In particular I would suggest you pay close attention to the following notes: 15, 17, 18 and especially 20.

This essay, if widely shared, will greatly contribute to the end of the public’s blind belief in the virus and contagion myths – and thus can eliminate the root cause of the tyrannical oppression we all have recently suffered.

Please share widely.

9:49 pm on April 17, 2024

The Fed: America’s Boom & Bust Machine

Here’s Mises Institute President Tom DiLorenzo with his latest article in the April 2024 edition of The New American:

The Fed employs an army of academics who essentially serve as its publicists and propagandists. Professor Lawrence H. White published a 2005 article at Econ Journal Watch, an online academic journal, in which he noted that the Fed directly employed 495 full-time economists at the time, engaged 120 “leading academic economists” as paid consultants or visiting scholars, and brought more than 300 academic economists to its conferences each year. (Economist Murray N. Rothbard once quipped that your average academic monetary economist “would stab his mother to death with a fork for an invitation to a Fed conference”!)


6:25 pm on April 17, 2024

Red Alert! Congress Goes ‘Full Stasi’ With New Spying Power!

12:44 pm on April 17, 2024

Ozzy Osbourne, War Pig

The great anti-war song, “War Pigs,” was written by all four members of Black Sabbath in 1970. Today, Ozzy and his family support war and conscription.

10:11 am on April 17, 2024

Speaker Johnson Rolls Out MASSIVE Foreign Spending Bills. Zero For US Border.

12:32 pm on April 16, 2024

A Landmark in Broadcasting and Telling Truth to Power – The Historic 2008 Lew Rockwell Interview With Naomi Wolf

Watch this historic Naomi Wolf epic interview with Lew Rockwell. Both are brilliant and incisive. This prophetic interview proved existential in predicting many dire ominous events and dangerous fascistic trends for all of us. Extremely powerful, a landmark in broadcasting and telling truth to power.


8:44 am on April 16, 2024

The Renato Moicano Effect on Austrian Economics

After his victory last night UFC fighter Renato Moicano grabbed the mic from announcer Joe Rogan and said, among other things, “If you care about your . . . country read Ludwig von Mises.”  As of around 5 PM EST today The Theory of Money and Credit (Skyhorse Publishing edition) by Mises was ranked #1 in sales of all books on Amazon on monetary economics; #1 of all books on international economics; and #2 of all books on economic theory.

5:07 pm on April 15, 2024

von Mises goes viral

By now you may be aware of Brazilian fighter Renato Moicano going all fiery on promoting the ideas of Ludwig von Mises and Austrian Economics following his latest victory on April 13th. Since that speech went viral on social media our Mises Institute website is exploding with Mises book downloads, and three Mises books just hit the top ten in Economics on Amazon. This is a huge opportunity for the Mises Institute and the promotion of free-markets and Austrian Economics.

Most people are only posting the abbreviated speech from Renato. Below I am posting the longer conversation with Joe Rogan (almost 2 minutes).

4:36 pm on April 15, 2024

“The Worst Televised Massacre of Helpless Civilians in the History of the World”

And “the greatest series of public war crimes in living memory.”  Ron Unz on “Israeli Assassinations.”

3:56 pm on April 15, 2024

Root of All Evil

That’s the subtitle of Frank Chodorov’s classic, The Income Tax: Root of All Evil.  Among the evils that he discusses are:

  • Enabling government to put its hands in everyone’s pockets.
  • Drawing the public’s allegiance away from its local governments to Washington, D.C.
  • Causing citizens to have less control over faraway federal representatives.
  • Making citizens subject to the whims of federal politicians.
  • Causing state governments to lose their autonomy.
  • Causing state governments to become subservient to Washington, not their citizens.
  • Enabling the federal government to bribe and threaten state governments, forcing them to bend to its will.
  • All of this was the final nail in the coffin of federalism and the establishment of centralized, monopolistic government.
  • Turned Americans into slaves of the state.  As Chodorov wrote, the income tax amendment effectively said:  “Your earnings are not exclusively your own.  We will allow you to keep some of it, because we recognize your need, but not your right; but whatever we grant you for yourself is for us to decide . . . .  The amount of your earnings that you may retain for yourself is determined by the needs of the government, and you have nothing to say about it.”

3:15 pm on April 15, 2024

Will Israel Escalate?

12:38 pm on April 15, 2024

Mises Makes It Big Time

When Mises makes it mainstream like this, it’s like a dream:

Spread this word to all MFs.


4:27 am on April 15, 2024

“If You Care About Your . . . Country Read Ludwig von Mises”

So said UFC fighter Renato Moicano after his victory last night.

6:30 pm on April 14, 2024

Another Potential River Bridge Catastrophe

Twenty-six barges mysteriously “broke loose” in the middle of the night on the Ohio River in Pittsburgh last night.

10:05 am on April 13, 2024

The Fed Throws Average Americans Under the Bus to Serve Brandon and his Fellow Demo-Bolsheviks

James O’Keefe strikes again with the truth about the corrupt, criminal state.

9:15 am on April 13, 2024

Beyond Oppenheimer: Early Cold War Background Sources

This comprehensive article references dozens of books, articles, and documentaries on the early Cold War, including the arrest, trial and execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. What was the role of Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass in these pivotal events? And what about the role of Theodore (Ted) Hall and the Venona transcripts of decoded espionage messages to the Soviets?

With the notoriety and interest spurred on by the movie Oppenheimer, America’s Untold Stories has tackled the story of David Greenglass, brother of Ethel Rosenberg, who along with her husband Julius, were convicted of spying for the Soviet Union, including providing top-secret information about American radar, sonar, jet propulsion engines, and nuclear weapon designs.

According to a 2001 book by his former handler Alexander Feklisov, Rosenberg was originally recruited to spy for the interior ministry of the Soviet Union, NKVD, on Labor Day 1942 by a former spymaster, Semyon Semyonov.


9:00 am on April 13, 2024