Remdesivir ‘Disastrous’ as Covid Treatment, But Government Pays Hospitals To Use It

Remdesivir, the primary COVID-19 drug approved for use in U.S. hospitals, routinely causes severe organ damage and, often, death, but U.S. government pays hospitals a 20% upcharge, plus an additional bonus, for using the remdesivir protocol. So far, all of the drugs developed against COVID-19 have been disastrous in one way or another. Remdesivir, for example, which to this day is the primary COVID drug approved for use in U.S. hospitals, routinely causes severe organ damage, and, often, death. Despite its horrible track record, the U.S. government actually pays hospitals a 20% upcharge for sticking to the remdesivir protocol, plus an additional bonus. Hospitals must also use remdesivir if … Continue reading Remdesivir ‘Disastrous’ as Covid Treatment, But Government Pays Hospitals To Use It