The #1 Most Important Thing You Can Do To Stop the Covid Insanity

Dr. Malone has a detailed writeup on Senator Johnson, so I’m going to make my appeal short and sweet.

Senator Johnson is awesome. We need to re-elect him.

Senator Johnson is our single best hope of stopping the insanity. NOBODY else in Congress comes close. He is the only guy in Congress that gives a damn about the vaccine injured. The rest are in complete denial that the vaccine could hurt anyone.

He needs to be re-elected and the Republicans need to take control of the Senate. Then we have a good chance to stop the vaccines and end the insanity.

Please give generously to Ron’s campaign. This is the single most important thing you can do. Period. Full stop.

My wife and I are both Democrats but we both are maxing out to his campaign ($5,800 each since it is $2,900 for the primary and $2,900 for the general).

I consider this to be the most important donation in my life.

Everyone reading this in the US, please donate now

Please use this donation link to make your contribution so we can track our success in raising funds for Senator Johnson.

Note: You can only donate if you live here. Foreign donations aren’t allowed.

If everyone reading this makes a $50 donation, that will raise millions for Senator Johnson. If you can give more, please do because not everyone will give.

The maximum donation per person is $5,800 (one for the primary, the other for the general) and you can make it all at once. So a husband and wife team can give up to $11,600. My wife and I gave the maximum.

Read the Whole Article