The following is a full transcript (for subscribers only) from the latest episode of my System Update video program on Rumble: entitled The White House’s Game-Playing Denials of Bio-Labs in Ukraine, first broadcast on Thursday night,, March 10, 2022. You can watch the program on the Rumble page at the link above, or watch the full episode on the player below:
Last night on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program, I discussed Victoria Nuland’s stunning confession before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about the possibility of a U.S. bio-weapons program, which I reported on here on Wednesday. You can watch the segment on the player below:
On the weekly Callin podcast I co-host with Canadian journalist Q Anthony, we’ll talk live tonight at 4:30 pm EST about ongoing events in Ukraine, the bio lab controversy, the growing censorship regime in the West justified in the name of the war, and we’ll also welcome special guest, the independent journalist Michael Tracey, who has been reporting from Poland for the last week. You can listen and participate live by downloading the Callin app on iPhone or Android, or listen to the programs afterward on Callin’s site (full episodes of the podcast I co-host with Q Anthony can be heard here, and episodes for my solo podcast can be here).