Obeying the speed limit (or any other law) is no defense against vindictive armed government workers, as the first video which follows below shows.
The AGW who stopped this car with the threat of murderous violence – implicit in every non-consensual interaction with an AGW – admits, openly, that the driver was not exceeding the posted speed limit – but asserts that his not exceeding it is itself “suspicious.” This assertion of “suspicion” gives him, the AGW, pretext to stop anyone he likes and subject them to an Authority Display.
“I seen (sic) you going 31 miles per hour in a 45,” the AGW illiterately exclaims. The driver points out that this is not illegal. This fact cuts no ice. “Suspicious vehicle,” exclaims the shaved-head agent of the state. But adduces no violation of any law.
The reasoning would startle Kafka.
If you drive faster than the speed limit, you’re subject to being mulcted at gunpoint by an AGW. If you don’t drive faster, you are “suspicious” and subject to being waylaid at gunpoint by an AGW, so that he can fish for other pretexts to mulct you.
In this instance, the AGW and his partner keep bright flashlights trained on the vehicle’s interior as they visually search it. Luckily for the car’s driver and its occupants, all their “papers” were in order and the AGWs had to sulk away without any booty (or bodies).
But not before subjecting the car and its occupants to an Authority Display, including a threatening baton-twirling display with a skull-cracking Mag light flashlight. Had the men not been obviously recording the incident, it might have turned out differently.
This “suspicion” business is popping up in the Authority Displays one can find all over YouTube and other online media, so it is certain that it is not an aberration but rather a new “tool” that AGWs across the country are being “trained” to use.
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