Senator Seeks End To Daylight Savings Time

Have you been a little sleepy or slightly disoriented since the change to Daylight Savings Time this week? If so, a state Senate leader wants to help.

Senate Majority Whip Mary Jane Garcia, D-Dona Ana, on Tuesday introduced a bill to get rid of Daylight Savings Time altogether.

"Daylight savings time is a health hazard", Garcia said in a news release. "It causes us to suffer from sleep disruption and deprivation that is essentially jet lag. You have drivers on the road who are half asleep on their way to work in the morning. Daylight savings can also cause major computer glitches, as we saw this weekend in New Mexico when dozens of people’s unemployment claims were impacted.”

Garcia points out that Daylight Savings Time has its origins during the first World War.

"Should we allow an outdated concept that was started in response to the climate and politics of World War One England to continue to dictate how we do things in present day New Mexico? I am carrying this bill as a ‘wake up call’: People need to be aware of the origins of daylight savings and how irrelevant it is to us in New Mexico."

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March 12, 2009