There was a time when a lady, being told someone was going to run his hands over her body, would have retorted, “Only if I’m dead,” and slapped the speaker’s face. Likewise, a man, seeing his wife about to be molested before boarding a plane, would have punched the twerp offering her such insult. Had the twerp been foolish enough to suggest the man unbuckle his belt, he not only would have punched him, he’d have called him a pansy, too. Neither man nor wife would have believed the twerp’s claims that he was pawing them for their own good, that it was solely to keep them safe. “Safe from what?” the man would have shouted, shaking his bruised fist in the pervert’s bloodied face. “Buddy, it’s creeps like you we need protection from.”
But those times have vanished as thoroughly as our freedoms and the World Trade Center. The only emotion most Americans can summon while they stand in horrendous lines waiting to be groped by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screeners is annoyance. Their concern seems to be speeding things along so they can be groped sooner. They assume, and are neither affronted by nor indignant at the assumption, that when one buys a plane ticket, one gives the government a pass to make passes. Eternal vigilance is what the Feds use on us rather than what liberty costs, so Americans can’t be bothered to access the TSA’s website. If they did, they would be amused more than offended by its similarity to Hustler Magazine (emphasis added): “Additional screening occurs when an individual sets off the alarm on the metal detector, or if he or she is selected for the additional screening…[which] includes a hand-wand inspection in conjunction with a pat-down inspection that includes the torso…Areas of the body that have body piercings, thick hair, hats, and other items may require a pat-down inspection…this inspection may include sensitive areas of the body.” No kidding.
With the dumbed-down minds produced by public schooling, it’s too much to hope for any understanding of the tyranny inherent in the TSA, let alone outrage at it. But a free grope? Surely that should enrage even Sean and Sharon Sheeple.
Amazingly, it doesn’t. And when the TSA whispered a few weeks ago that it is carrying things a step further, that it is testing “backscatter” X-ray machines at Orlando International Airport and, pending the results of that test, will install these gizmos nationwide, Sean and Sharon were too busy with Memorial Day plans to notice.
“Backscatter” machines bring Superman’s X-ray vision out of the comic book into reality. Walking through one of them effectively strips a person: the technology peers through outerwear to the body beneath. We are so far gone that the Our Masters are considering building booths around the machines so that only TSA voyeurs, ah, screeners are treated to the peep show rather than the entire airport. Considering.
As always, the excuse offered by the depraved minds at the TSA is terrorism. Isn’t it astonishing that this lie never wears thin? No matter what abuses are visited on Sean and Sharon, they tolerate it so long as Our Masters squeak about security.
I registered a Google Alert for “Transportation Security Administration” several months ago and have also conducted “Yahoo” searches for “backscatter + airports,” so I have a fairly comprehensive view of the stories the media runs on this topic. You might think that forcing an entire nation to strip, whether grandparents, nuns, expectant mothers, adolescents, clergy, or honeymooning couples, would merit discussion at the very least. Some attendant horror, perhaps even an attempt to treat this as a sick joke with calls for restraint and reconsideration, would be nice as well. But aside from a matter-of-fact report in USA Today, a mildly disapproving one in the New York Times, and a few articles in technical magazines on the ways and means, this newest assault on passengers has gone unremarked. The media doesn't care because Sean and Sharon don't care. That a self-proclaimed Christian regime is pulling off a stunt beyond the dreams of the most daring pornographer, that it will require millions of genuine Christians, Orthodox Jews, and devout Muslims to exhibit themselves before government agents, apparently bothers only the odd prude here and there.
I haven't flown since shortly after 9/11, when a thug employed by the airlines ordered me to stand spread-eagled while he wanded places no lady wants emphasized in public. Perhaps other folks who object to being violated are also boycotting airports. That makes the remaining passengers a self-selected group. They may figure flashing is merely part of the flying experience, a small price to pay for “safety.” On my more charitable days, I excuse Sean and Sharon with this reasoning. Then I remember that they yawned over Waco, too.
The apathy at backscatter X-rays will encourage the government to further degeneracy. Look for body cavities to be checked next digitally. The only question is, will Our Masters consider providing a curtain?
May 28, 2005