Freedom References in Literature

An article published sometime ago seemed to be dismissive of the usefulness of lighter literature such as novels and other works. Light they may be but they do have their moments.

To counter the generalization about the lack of value in lighter Western literature there will be mentioned poems, songs and stories in which personal freedoms and lack of governmental control are shown in a positive light, even if in only a passing reference. Even current ideas of libertarian thought and maybe a little anarchy are present. The examples given are from sightings taken along the paths and byways of a wasted life and are not drawn from accepted masterworks. It is to be hoped that avid readers can add to the list.

Disclaimer: One should not suppose that an author subscribed to a particular concept because of its inclusion in some work. Quite often it may have been introduced strictly to expand the story line and develop the characterization of the actors. Therefore, no specific claims are made for beliefs of the authors mentioned. Still, it is interesting to note how and when certain ideas move into general literature. Even when assigned to a peripheral group the inclusion of these concepts may indicate a presence in the discourse of the times of composition as opposed to setting.

While Thomas Hardy as poet and novelist was not thought of as an anarchist or libertarian, he would not be at ease in Cool Britannia. One of his short stories was "The Distracted Preacher." The story, set in the 1830's in a rural community, revolved around the female leader of a band of smugglers and a Methodist minister. The preacher and smuggler were at odds and she attempted to clarify the situation and show their similarity. "u2018You dissent from Church, and I dissent from State,' she said. u2018And I don't see why we are not well matched.'"

The author resolved the plot by having the woman realize the error of her ways, recant and then marry the minister. In the 1912 edition of his works, Hardy explained the need for this at the time of initial publication but indicated his sympathies might be elsewhere. In a note the author referred to his preferred ending. "More over it corresponds more closely with the true incidents of which the tale is a vague and flickering shadow. Lizzy did not, in fact marry the minister, but – much to her credit in the author's opinion – stuck to Jim the smuggler, and emigrated with him after their marriage, an expatrial step rather forced upon him by his adventurous antecedents."

The point to be made is not what Hardy actually believed but that in his 1879 story he could sympathetically portray someone such as Lizzy Newberry and create a phrase for her to utter, "I dissent from State," that is as succinct a credo as any anarchist in this or any other year could speak. In the story she justified her actions as supporting her widowed mother by continuing the family business, as it were, and providing assistance to friends and neighbors in the community. Admirable goals, all.

Going further with the smuggler angle, you should be aware that there is more to Rudyard Kipling's verse than "The White Man's Burden." In an age when we are all concerned with the questions that our librarians might be asked about our reading habits, the desire that others might better mind their own business looms large. Having broached that subject, I offer up "A Smuggler's Song" from the ending of "Hal o' the Draft" in the 1906 Puck of Pook's Hill. The first verse and chorus:

If you wake at midnight, and hear a horse's feet, Don't go drawing back the blinds, or looking in the street, Them that asks no questions isn't told a lie. Watch the wall, my darling, while the Gentlemen go by! Five and twenty ponies Trotting through the dark – Brandy for the Parson, ‘Baccy for the Clerk; Laces for a lady, letters for a spy, And watch the wall, my darling, while the Gentlemen go by!

And further:

If you meet King George's men, dressed in blue and red, You be careful what you say, and mindful what is said. If they call you "pretty maid," and chuck you ‘neath the chin, Don't you tell where no one is, nor yet where no one's been!

With the last verse:

If you do as you've been told, u2018likely there's a chance, You'll be given a dainty doll, all the way from France, With a cap of Valenciennes, and a velvet hood – A present from the Gentlemen, along o' being good!

Has anyone told John Ashcroft about this? That bulwark of the empire, Mr. Kipling, corrupting little eight-year-old girls! Encouraging them to mind their own business and not snitch. That to do so is good behavior and that further they will be rewarded for not cooperating with duly constituted authority. Far be it for this writer to maintain that Kipling had any such intent. It was from a children's story and no doubt, it was written in fun, and yet, "Hal o' the Draft" is about smugglers after all. In the story Kipling ends with the king's agents getting the goods, but he does give the smugglers their due. Perhaps they should be seen just as businessmen seeking to maximize return on their investment. They might have been willing to sell to the king's agents if the agents had been empowered to pay market prices. The ending verses certainly were written from the smugglers' point. Kipling's story and verse demonstrate that all of these issues were present in earlier times even if his treatment and solution were of his time.

Early in the twentieth century the poem was set to music and recorded several times. Peter Dawson's 1929 version with orchestral accompaniment is available on a 1997 EMI CD (8 56895 2), a collection of Dawson recordings.

Henry Blossom was librettist for Victor Herbert's 1917 comic opera, "Eileen." The story line once again involves smugglers. This time they are in a subordinate role to the main protagonists who are caught up in the 1798 Irish rising. In an eighteenth or nineteenth century literary setting, gypsies, brigands, or smugglers would be the logical characters to espouse views for existence outside the accepted social fabric. In act one there is the smugglers chorus with its title, "Free Trade and a Misty Moon," taken from the last line of the song. From the first verse:

While Heaven sends us a misty moon, Sure, why not take it as a gracious boon? If France and Spain have somethin' we can use, Faith, ‘twould be ungracious to refuse! So, free of tax or duty We'll fetch ashore our booty! Let's drink to the mist o'er the moon!

As noted it is a comic opera so all ends well with Cornwallis' arrival and the king's pardon for the rebels. It ends with an expression that the hopes of all parties will be realized in the future. Again from the story line one can discern an understanding of the smugglers' plight.

A two CD recording of this work was issued on the Newport Classics label (NPD 85615/2) in 1998. The work itself had probably not seen a complete performance since 1918 prior to the Ohio Light Opera season of 1997.

Chapter Eleven of the historical sketch of Dominique de Gourges in Gilmore Simms' The Lily and the Totem or, The Huguenots in Florida is entitled "Morals of Revenge." Simms raises the applicability of revenge as a proper tool in light of preceding events. Huguenots attempted to establish settlements in the 1560's in what is now the Southeast United States. They were at odds with both their government and church at home in France where the Wars of Religion had begun in 1562. These efforts to settle in the New World were in conflict with Spanish aspirations in the region. The Spanish disposed of those they considered interlopers and heretics. The French government was relieved to have them removed as an irritant so no effort was made support them or to avenge the honor of France. According to the author, de Gourges, a Gascon Catholic, sold his own property to fund an expedition he raised to chastise the Spanish. His reprisals were every bit as bloody as the initial actions of the Spanish. Simms has some thoughts on the failure of the state or society to protect its own:

"That society or nation which is unable or unwilling to prevent or punish the offender within its own sphere and province, must incur his penalties; and this principle once recognized, it becomes imperative with every citizen to take heed of the public conduct of his fellow, and the proper exercise of right and justice on the part of his ruler. There are, no doubt, difficulties in the way of doing this always; but what if it were commonly understood and felt that each citizen had thus at heart the wholesome administration of exact justice on the part of the society in which he lived, and the Government which can exist only by the sympathies of the people?…We do not mean to justify Gourges; but say that it is well, perhaps, for humanity, that heroism sometimes puts on the terrors of the avenger, and visits the enormous crime, which men otherwise fail to reach, with penalties somewhat corresponding with the degree and character of the offence!"

Ah, yes, the derivative Mr. Simms. The preceding quotes must obviously originate from something in Scott or Cooper. Surely, someone should be able to document this.

Good old self help. A look at this indicates that this historical sketch may have additional depth and may treat political concerns not evident at first glance. Simms renews questions in the mid nineteenth century that still are not settled. He seems to be saying that the individual has the right to hold the state accountable for its responsibilities and that in extreme circumstances act on his own in default of the state. Interestingly, one of his main sources for this work about Huguenots was the Jesuit scholar Pierre-François-Xavier Charlevoix and his 1744 Histoire et description de la Nouvelle France.

Lest one think that all of this development in thought must follow the Renaissance and Enlightenment as well as the American and French Revolutions, it would be well to step back a few years. Late twelfth century France is as good a place as any to look so dip into a work of Walter of Châtillon, The Alexandreis. As an epic to celebrate the life of Alexander the Great it is divided into ten books covering the highlights of his career. Among other things in Book Eight is a confrontation between the Scythian Messenger and Alexander. The conquest of Persia is in the past and that of India lies in the future. Beginning with line 476, Walter put these words in the Scythian's mouth:

"Our land's free race desires nothing more than what Nature, our first source, has bestowed. In virtue of her gift, we neither serve nor seek to rule. Such practice brings us blessing: that each man is a law unto himself, protecting his own folk and goods, content with their possession, wanting no one else's. If more than this you seek, your will exceeds the boundaries of true beatitude."

And again at line 501:

"What need have you of riches, which engender in greedy men yet greater hunger? Thus the more you have accrued, the fiercer burns your love of having; thus you sate your appetite, and plenty fosters want."

Then at line 548:

"Beware lest you imagine you can count as friends those you have vanquished. Sooner shall the earth contain the stars, sooner the Ocean drown the Dipper's seven lights, sooner shall fish crawl on dry land, than slaves enjoy a bond of true love with their masters. Concord never shall stand between them. Though in outward show peace may prevail, hatred surges within. Beneath such guise of peace, hearts foment war."

These quotes are from a verse translation by David Townsend published by the University of Pennsylvania Press in 1996. These lines must have resonated with Mr. Townsend as the Scythian Messenger was one of the dedicatees of his translation. Do they strike a chord with you?

Note that in the instances quoted the characters do not represent the dominant culture of their times. They all manifest a desire to be left alone. If considered in this light even light fiction can be useful in the study and propagation of freedom. Look carefully into what you are reading and look into the past to see where freedom thoughts crop up from time to time. There is no telling where you will find a kindred spirit.

It should be remarked that this article has been crafted with snippets and more lengthy excerpts drawn from works of traditional Western literature. The writer has not stooped to cheap tricks that pander to certain disreputable elements by quoting from parodies such as "The Ballad of the Blue Berets" or "The Ballad of David Koresh."

October 18, 2003