Rasputins of the Mind: A Stroll Down Memory Lane, Courtesy of a Smear

Like Rasputin, willful blindness is mulish.

Once again LewRockwell.com's commitment to decentralization and freedom of association has been inverted to mean support for state-imposed racial separation. On this occasion the inversion refers to "the defenders of Jim Crow over at Lew Rockwell's shop."

Let's take a stroll down memory lane.

Exhibit 1:

Of course forced segregation laws were idiotic, actively detrimental to human liberty, and should have been condemned roundly by every principled defender of free association.

Where did this appear? On that bastion of segregationism, LewRockwell.com.

Exhibit 2:

…this system [Jim Crow], inter alia, perpetrated coercive disassociation and violated freedom of contract…Rothbardians cherish the property rights on which Jim Crow trampled…

Where did this appear? On that bastion of segregationism, LewRockwell.com.

Exhibit 3:

…myriad Black Codes existed that prohibited blacks from migrating into most Northern states and kept them from entering into contracts, voting, marrying whites, testifying in court against whites (which invited criminal abuse), or sending their children to public schools. They were excluded altogether from all forms of transportation or required to sit in special u2018Jim Crow sections.' They were prohibited from entering hotels, restaurants or resorts except as servants, and were segregated in churches, prisons, and even cemeteries. Free blacks in the North in the 1860s were cruelly discriminated against in every aspect of their existence, and were denied the most fundamental of citizenship rights.

Where did this appear? On that bastion of segregationism, LewRockwell.com.

I'll stop here since you get the point; clearly we at LewRockwell.com adore Jim Crow. And I'd add that drinking a six-pack in Riyadh is no problem and Albania under Enver Hoxha was a haven for the devout.

Here's another passage regarding the South in the 1950s:

The central question that emerges – and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalogue of the rights of American citizens, born Equal – is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas where it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes – the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race.

That's from an editorial in the August 24, 1957 issue of National Review, which also referred to "the fact of Negro backwardness." It was on National Review Online where the "defenders of Jim Crow over at Lew Rockwell's shop" smear appeared by Jonah Goldberg on March 19.

Suffice it to say I find the juxtaposition interesting.

March 22, 2003