Come to the LRC Conference!


u201CMay you be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.u201D That’s about as generous a wish one person can offer another. Well, you’re on the way if you attend my LRC Benefit Conference on revisionist health and finances on December 1—2, 2006 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Foster City, California, near the San Francisco Airport.

Join us. You’ll be dazzled by our speakers, have a terrific time and help LRC as well.

Friday, December 1, Alexandria Balboa Room 5:30pm: Registration and Welcome 6:00pm: Burt Blumert, Center for Libertarian Studies Mark Thornton, Ludwig von Mises Institute “Welcome” 6:15pm: Gary North, “Dr. Rothbard’s Prescription for Health and Wealth” 6:45pm: Peter Duesberg, University of California at Berkeley “Is AIDS a Viral or a Chemical Epidemic? — a Multi-Billion-Dollar Question” 7:15pm: Gala Reception Saturday, December 2, Drake Room Each alternative medical expert present will have personal advice for us — advice that could make a huge difference in our lives. 8:00am: Continental breakfast and Discussion 8:30am: David Gordon, The Mises Review "The Nazi Medical-Welfare System" 9:00am: Bob Carls Dudney, MD, San Francisco “Forbidden, Non-Monopolistic Health Care and Healing” 9:30am: Coffee and Discussion 10:00am: Donald Miller, MD, Univ. of Washington Medical School “Healthy Iodine and Sickening Fluoride” 10:30am: Doug French, banker and publisher, Liberty Watch "Las Vegas Real Estate, the Market, and Roulette " 11:00am: Coffee and Discussion 11:30am: Mark Thornton, the Ludwig von Mises Institute "Skyscrapers, the Residential Bubble, and the Crash" Noon: Luncheon (Optional), Columbus Room Congressman Ron Paul, MD “Concentration Camps? Fascist Medicine? What Lies Ahead” 1:30pm: Thomas P. Dorman, MD, Paracelsus Clinic "The State-Pharma-Medical Complex" 2:00pm: Bill Sardi, "Can Private Enterprise (and Alternative Medicine) Cure You" 2:30pm: Coffee and Discussion 3:00pm: Butler Shaffer, Southwestern Law School "Alternative Medicine Is Libertarian Medicine" 3:30pm: Lew Rockwell "Socialized Medicine in a Wealthy Country" 4:00pm: All-Speaker Panel Discussion and Q&A "Protecting Your Health and Your Wealth" 5:00pm: Adjourn More Information on the Conference

Meet us near the San Francisco Airport on December 1—2, 2006, at the handsome Foster City Crowne Plaza, 1221 Chess Dr., Foster City, CA 94404.

The LRC community will gather once again to share concerns, have a great time, plan for the future, and help this website. We’ll discuss everything under the sun: medical and political, renew old friendships and start new ones, and come away invigorated in every sense. The price is $150; the optional Ron Paul Luncheon is $50, and hotel rooms are $89 per night. Call Cathy at my office at 800-325-7257 to charge your admission, and she can make your hotel reservations, and arrange for the hotel limo to take you back and forth to the airport.

Questions? Email Cathy [email protected].