Wong is Wight!

The only good thing about politicians is the entertainment value. Houston like other areas is being gradually … riddled (is that a PC word) with various minorities including Asians. One of them is Martha Wong, who is running for re-election to the Texas House of Representatives. That nice Change family across the street has a sign up in their yard, “Vote WONG!” Bless ’em. They gave us a nice little toy for our boy, after all. I don’t go for putting signs in my yard, bumper stickers on my car (well, when in college I had “Nuke the Gay Unborn Russian Whales” up, but have since matured 2 or 3 percent), or wearing tee-shirts with slogans. It just seems … gauche.

In any event I got a Martha Wong flyer in the mail today which gave me a chuckle. Those Chinamen–excuse me, that’s not PC, I mean Chinawomen–are very humorous. The flyer says, hilariously, “BE RIGHT, VOTE WONG


10:18 pm on September 14, 2004