Will the Bonnie Blue Flag Fly

in the blue states? Both Counterpunch and left-wing “techno artist” Moby have at least broached the possibility that the blue states should secede. Here is what Moby had to say on the subject:

“America has chosen their president. we might disagree, but they’ve chosen their president. Some of us might long for a secession wherein certain parts of the country declare their sovereign autonomy, but given our current state of quasi-united states, well, bush won….and the democracy has spoken. The vox populii have expressed their will, and, given the rules by which we all play, we must accept the results of this election. Live and learn. and may we all learn to recognize that the democratic process doesn’t always accomodate our preferences and/or will.”

Thanks to Nebojsa for sending me the Moby quote and for this excellent article on democratic imperialism.


7:32 pm on November 4, 2004