Will Obama Press the Slaughter Button?

“The Great Muslim Revolution Has Suddenly Passed the Tipping Point”
By Jack D. Douglas

The hope of the U.S.-Mubarak-Army regime has been that they can stall the vast social revolutionary movement sweeping Egypt and more and more of the Muslim World, now even producing widespread marches against the U.S.-Maliki regime in Iraq; let them grow tired and begin to despair as their children are starved; divide them by playing off the many major groups against each other; deceive them with promises of Great Progress in the sweet bye and bye, a committee arguing endlessly over changes in the Constitution, and sweet words all around; get massive U.S. air reconnaissance photos of the revolutionaries to identify them for the eventual quiet roundup, torture and imprisonment or murder; and let the Western Media see their ratings drop as nothing new of importance happens, so they pack up and go home to report on the latest absurdities in the U.S., and E.U. and U.K. leaving the vast secret police and Army forces of about 2million to begin the vast roundup of freedom fighters.

This is a Standard U.S. Operating Procedure adapted by the secret U.S. and Egyptian planners for the Egyptian situation.It has worked before in Egypt, especially against the Muslim Brotherhood, which was eventually made illegal and remained so until the other day.  It has a good chance of working when the demos are merely demos and not great social revolutions full of passionate rage and hope for a new day of freedoms and relief from the awful oppression and total corruption of these U.S. puppet regimes. But it  failed and completely backfired in Iran when the U.S.-Shah regime was faced with a great social revolution full of rage against the terrorist regime and supported by a massive and growing Islamist movement which was vastly energized by the social revolution which began as a largely secular, student revolt. [Contrary to much Western misinformation and Lies, Iran, especially in Tehran at the heart of the revolution, was predominantly secular, at least in public. The Islamists did not start it. They rode it to power as it dragged on and the Shah finally fled. Then Islamization exploded rapidly in a great surge of religious fervor among the people thanking Allah for Deliverance from the Great Satan–the U.S. Evil Empire.]

You probably did not notice it if you still rely on American Big Corp. News-Propaganda for your information on the world, but the international news media yesterday–CNN, BBC, Russian Television, etc.–reported on the vast new revolutionary support in Cairo yesterday, as more than a million people joined in passionate and happy surges against the U.S.-Mubarak-Army regime, coming and going in long lines of marching people to and away from Liberation Square–men, women and children now, some chanting against the U.S. support of the Mubarak-Suleiman regime. People were coming out into the open more and more in support of the Revolution because they are less terrified of being mowed down or gassed with vast U.S. tear gas volleys. They allowed none of their women and children near the vast masses revolting as long as they feared a great slaughter. Now more and more are relaxing that iron rule of Islam. Middle class people are openly joining the Revolutionary marches and almost all are part of the neighborhood militias springing up, which could form the nucleus of a Great Militia of Minutemen if needed, or even the core of an Islamic revolutionary guard, as happened in Iran, very quickly growing into an immense militia dedicated to the revolution and Islam. Even some major hacks of the Regime, from a major news-anchor to a state newspaper, came out in favor of the Revolution.

At some point yesterday, Day 16 in the Great Muslim Revolution, labor unions in vital sectors of the state-Army economy suddenly started going on strike–in oil, the Suez Canal, state media, railroads and buses, and so on. Today, Day 17, the whole nation seemed suddenly to realize the end is near for the U.S.-Mubarak regime in one way or another. Many millions all over this ancient nation are suddenly openly supporting the Revolution. They expect Mubarak will abdicate and flee today or the Revolution will start shutting down the government, unless the vast secret police and Army start shooting and bombing the immense marches.

What we cannot see happening in these ways is vastly more important. We have known all along that the Muslim Brotherhood’s “quiet” devotees are somewhere over a third of the  young and middle aged men and cut across Egyptian society, right through the Army and totally corrupt Big Corps., about one third owned by the Army. These people are exactly like the tens of millions of Americans who quietly loathe The System, but join the Republicrats and keep quiet so they will not be banished from the System to the vast Lower Depths, except Egyptians are far more secretive about their hatred of the System. They are more like the tens of millions of Soviet slaves who secretly loathed Marxism and the Communist State System, but pretended to go along to avoid “disappearing” from all good jobs and public life. Milovan Djilas, a former vice-president of Tito’s Party before he broke with the Soviets, knew masses of Soviet Party members who secretly had turned against the Communist Faith but kept their mouths shut in public, When they felt the System was collapsing and could not murder or banish them, they revolted and the whole rotten mess IMPLODED over night.

We are seeing enough defections already to know that millions of the slaves of the U.S.-Mubara-Army System are in that same situation right now. It is still very dangerous in Egypt. Obama, Hillary, the secret police and the Special Ops death squads and their massive drone-murder forces are totally on the alert, They see what is  happening and they know it can all Implode if they let it keep growing so rapidly. They may strike at any moment. If I were a government or Big Corp. hack in Egypt, I would not yet be ready to rush into the streets to support the Revolution,  unless I had a sure way to get my family and myself out if Obama and Mubarak decide to push the Slaugther Button. They are not playing tiddly-winks. This is a great struggle of life-or-death for the U.S. Global Empire and for the puppet regimes of the U.S. everywhere. The U.S. is quietly sending forces to the area and you can be sure they are doing massive Electronic Warfare and Recon. to prepare for the Great Egyptian Massacre if Obama-Mubarak push the button.

But while it grows, the U.S.-Mubarak-Army Plan for suppressing and destroying the Revolution becomes more and more counter-productive. More people in the System in Egypt and other Muslim puppet states feel the rage against the terrorist regimes and the soaring hope of going free at last and cleansing themselves of this awful corruption of the soul which becomes like a living death, eating away at your very sense of being human and your sense of self and your religious faith. Yesterday Suleiman warned that a coup could happen at anytime. I think in the context he mean a Muslim coup or “thugs,” but in this situation a coup by junior Army officers who secretly loathe the regime is far more likely and common worldwide in these situations, from Cuba and Venezuela to Iraq and Pakistan, all of which suffered very important coups by junior officers, even non-coms. The regime knows this, so the pressure is growing rapidly to fish or cut bait–start the repression one step at a time and go all the way necessary or give in and try to ride the mass tiger to power or into a happy exile in wealth. The secret police and Armies in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, and the UAE have secretly imprisoned and probably tortured hundreds of leaders of the Islamists. The Egyptian Army quietly imprisoned a few hundred, including the now famous head of Google in Egypt.

IF public support for the Revolution keeps growing like this, I think we will see a break one way or the other. Yesterday, a major off-shoot march marched on the Parliament building. They can march  on all kinds of official and Big Corps. facilities and shut them down to increase pressures and rekindle Western Media coverage, which they desperately need to prevent Obama from pressing that Slaughter Button on his oval office telephone–his direct link to Puppet Mubarak-Suleiman and, thus, the vast Army and secret police.
I think Obama is blinking, giving way faster and faster to catch up with the daily increase in costs to the U.S., such as with every new Wikileaks documents showing U.S. involvement and European involvement in all the oppression and corruption. If this goes on for long, lots of Obama hacks may wind up in prison for simple corruption.

But I would not want to bet on it. The U.S. secret police and military have awful secrets to hide in Egypt and in all of these terrorist, puppet regimes. They are probably trying to press that button.

Once Mubarak flees and is replaced by the Army, either by Suleiman of the Army and “Intelligence,” or by some other Army figurehead, the mass of people will start attacking that U.S.-Army fallback regime, the New Mubarak Tyranny, and the U.S. and Army will be vastly tempted to press the Slaughter Button. We shall see.

Libertarian sociologist Jack D. Douglas is professor emeritus at UCSD.


1:21 pm on February 10, 2011