Why Martha Stewart Was Persecuted

I think Martha Stewart was persecuted by the feds because they needed scapegoats for the stock market crash that Alan Greenspan is responsible for. It was a classic case of the Austrian business cycle theory of how the central bank creates artificial booms with cheap credit, which inevitably cause a subsequent bust. Having caused millions of Americans to lose billions of dollars in the stock market, the state can never, ever, ever take responsiblity for it. It must find capitalist scapegoats like Michael Milken or Martha Stewart.

Federal politicians and bureaucrats are insufferably arrogant and holier-than-thou. They think they run the world, and that they have a God-given right to, being the Most Moral People on Earth. Thus, they can never take responsibility for their actions; it always has to be layed at the feet of capitalism. And what better means of doing this other than imprisoning a celebrity capitalist like Martha Stewart. All during her persecution there has been no mention whatsoever of the role o the government in causing the crash, or even in causing ImClone stock to plummet and then go back up again because of FDA incompetence. This is the real “victory” in the eyes of the feds.


8:51 am on March 7, 2004