Who Should Set Monetary Policy? The Fed or Congress?

One of the creepiest aspects of the present regime is how it frames every issue under the sun in order to exclude sensible options entirely.  So you may favor waging war on that Third World country or you may simply support starving it to death.  You may support a Supreme Court decision that imposes this social policy or that one.  You may support an income tax or a national sales tax.  The state may not like one of these options, but by framing the issues in this way it tries to ensure that no third alternative is considered.

In the Alan Blinder piece Lew links to, Blinder gives what is clearly now the party line by contrasting the Fed’s supervision of monetary policy with congressional control over monetary policy, again as if these are our only options.  For readers with an interest in monetary policy, I recommend “Optimal Monetary Policy” (.pdf) by Jörg Guido Hülsmann.  You’ll note that optimal monetary policy requires the interventions of neither the Fed nor Congress.


10:20 am on September 4, 2009