What Would Allah Think . . .

. . . of a Muslim politician who was responsible for the death of millions of Muslims? I would not be surprised to learn that Allah did not approve. Yet this is exactly what Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, and Perry assert is the purpose of the Iranian government in supposedly threatening nuclear war with Israel and the U.S., all in the name of pleasing Allah.

Israel and the U.S. have hundreds of nuclear missiles that could incinerate Tehran in minutes. Iranian politicians are not stupid; they know this. They know that they, and literally millions of their fellow Iranian Muslims, would perish in a nuclear war with Israel or the U.S. Thus, Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, and Perry apparently believe that the Iranian government believes it would please Allah to murder millions of Muslims.

Lord, save us from these neocons.


11:57 am on January 9, 2012