What Will Make Intellectuals Less Harmful?

Jeffrey Toobin is a good example of a (left-wing) intellectual. Then we have neoconservative intellectuals like William Kristol. In our country, many of these people harm many of us indirectly because they influence the doings of their buddies in government, and quite often they enter government or are close to it. The presence of this coercive organization among us and over us, the State, is what enables these intellectuals to amplify their capacity to harm us. The intellectuals have their own ways of gaining power and influence. They are different than the ways of outright power-seekers like politicians, or union interests, or corporate interests, or other interests; but it is still the presence of the State’s powers that provides the fertile breeding ground for the deadly radioactivity that these people disperse via the State. This is one reason I am anti-State. I don’t  want any of these people running my life. If I thought that they were superior or brilliant or had wonderful ideas, I might consider giving them some limited and temporary power over my life, but always with escape clauses. However, in fact, their educations and ideas and beliefs give me absolutely no grounds for even considering such a thing. And certainly the actual outcomes produced by the governments that they heavily influence make me want to run as far away from them as I can get to get away from their power and influence. Remove the State and we reduce their baneful influence. That’s as good a reason for being anti-State as many others I can think of.


11:09 am on May 3, 2011