What do You Mean, “We”?

The always annoying and rarely insightful Anne Applebaum writes in the Washington Post today:

Though Americans like to talk about “winning” and “losing” the war in Afghanistan, on the ground it’s clear that those categories aren’t relevant. Of course we can “win”: The real question is whether we are willing to pay the high cost of victory.

We? Happily ensconced in Washington writing her brave words, snug as a tapeworm in an intestine, what exactly is Applebaum willing to pay? Aside from other people’s money? Other people’s liberty? And other people’s lives?

She concludes the piece by noting that the war in Afghanistan has “has only begun to test our stamina.” Oh yes, I’m certain it’s very hard, grueling and life-risking work, writing pro-war Washington Post columns.


7:51 am on September 16, 2008