“We’ve lost Baghdad”

For those who missed it, LRC’s resident TV junkie is at your service. Time Magazine’s embedded reporter, Michael Ware, was just on Chris (Why are the smartest guys on TV all Irish Catholics?) Matthews, describing the necons’ grim outlook in Iraq. “We’ve lost Baghdad.” “The only ground the American army controls is beneath their feet.” The insurgents are copying classic guerilla tactics from the Vietnamese. Are we going to see helicopters pushed off aircraft carriers again?

I know the Congress is controlled by right-wing socialist warmongers, but can anyone say: impeachment? These nuts set the standard pretty low with Clinton so hoist them on their own petard. “When Clinton lied, nobody died.” As for the election–no problem–70 percent of Americans didn’t vote for Mr. Political Capital.

On Fallujah, read these two articles together–Foreign fighters now reviled by Fallujah residents, By Hannah Allam, and Submit or Die: The Conquest of Falluja
by Jacob G. Hornberger. The first demonstrates that there are in fact “insurgents” in Fallujah. The second aptly compares what Bush is doing now in Iraq–killing those who oppose his pro-centralized-Iraq military dictatorship to what Saddam apparently did–kill those who opposed his Anglo-American-inspired centralized-Iraq military dictatorship.

When did the Sunnis vote to be part of Iraq, anyway?


8:50 pm on November 15, 2004