Washington Post Declares Victory

The left-wing Washington Post just couldn’t be happier with the neo-conization of Washington. The top left of the front page of today’s paper headlines the Bush budget as follows: “Blueprint Calls for Bigger, More Powerful Government.” (Big black letters in the original). Then it gets right to the point:

“President Bush’s second-term agenda would expand not only the size of the federal government but also its influence over the lives of millions of Americans by imposing new national restrictions on high schools, court cases and marriages. In a clear break from Republican campaigns of the 1990s to downsize government and devolve power to the states, Bush is fostering what amounts to an era . . . in which the national government shapes, not shrinks, programs . . .”

In a textbook case of Orwellian language, the Post quotes Bush domestic policy adviser John Bridgeland as saying that Bush’s “governing philisophy” is to make government “limited but active.” You know, kind of like light but dark, right but left, day but night, and right but wrong.

“Spending has exploded under Bush”! the Post ecstatically and enthusiastically proclaims (referring to domestic, not military or “homeland security” spending).


9:53 am on February 9, 2005