Univision debate (straight talk express)

It’s a shame this wasn’t widely broadcast. Ron Paul was outstanding and the rest made pandering fools of themselves.

Here, Fred Thompson declares war on Cuba:

MODERATOR: Thank you, Mayor. Thank you, Mayor.
When talking about Cuba, Cuban dictatorship has survived nine
U.S. presidents. What would you do differently, that has not been
“done so far, to bring democracy to Cuba? We’re going to start with
Senator Thompson.
THOMPSON: I’m going to make sure that he didn’t survive 10 U.S.
Castro is unique in many respects.

Then Romney declares war on Cuba and Venezuela.

ROMNEY: We need a Latin American policy that frees Cuba and that
eliminates a threat of people like Hugo Chavez.

Here Huckster seems to endorse an enormous new government program: energy independence:

HUCKABEE: Well, Hugo Chavez is hardly the friend of the United
States. And even though we get 60 percent of their oil, I think it’s
one of the major reasons we need to become increasingly oil-free and
so that we don’t have to worry about Mr. Chavez.

“When goods don’t cross borders, troops will.” (Bastiat)

And the Huckster says that Chavez suspended the constitution. Did he?

“Even though he was elected, he was not elected to be a dictator
as he has become, suspending constitutional law.”


2:22 pm on December 10, 2007