Top Scientists Back Homeopathy

Just because the AMA, Big Pharma, and the FDA want to outlaw something does not make it valid, but it is great to see increasing support from Nobel Prize-winning scientists like Luc Montagnier, Jacques Benveniste, and Brian Josephson in favor of homeopathy. Ancient homeopathic remedies are cheap, can’t be patented, can’t harm you, and are often effective. And now, despite hostility from the drug-industrial complex, we are getting more and more peer-reviewed scientific studies showing why. See this article by Dana Ullman, and thanks to Gary North.

UPDATE from Skip Oliva:

Don’t forget the FTC. In one recent case, the FTC destroyed a small business because its website mentioned studies about homeopathy that were actually sponsored by NIH. The FTC said customers may never receive information about non-FDA-approved treatments.

I’m also presently working on a case involving a man trying to recover $130,000 in attorney fees after the FTC prosecuted him for a website (which he didn’t even own) that suggested natural remedies might be used to treat certain forms of cancer.


11:11 am on February 26, 2011