Salon Attacks Austrian Economics

Beltwayite Michael Lind is an interesting leftist, but clueless when it comes to Austrian economics or libertarianism. The rise of both is bugging the whole establishment, of course, including its think-tank bodyguards. Says the xenophobic Michael:

The American right also includes a number of economists and economic journalists who call themselves “Austrians” and specialize in denouncing other libertarians for not understanding true libertarianism. Imagine what the right would say about a school of American liberals who went around proudly calling themselves “Germans” or “Hungarians.” The so-called Austrian School of economics was founded by Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich A. von Hayek. Imagine what the right would say about a school of American liberals who worshipped the Two Vons.

Of course, the Austrian School—whose roots are in the Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese scholars and saints called the Late Scholastics (if I may bother the nationalistic Michael with even more foreigners)–was founded by Carl Menger in Vienna in the late 19th century, not Mises and Hayek in the 20th. (Thanks to Ralph Raico.)


9:31 am on June 15, 2010