The U.S. Flag vs. the Christian Flag

There is no such thing as the Christian flag in the Bible, but at least if a church has one, it should be held in more regard than the U.S. flag. From a reader who tried to do something about it:

On a side note, for years my church flew the American flag above the Christian flag on the pole in our parking lot. I brought this up during our Bible study class only to be rebutted with numerous references to American Flag Protocol. It was a frustrating exchange, to say the least. Finally, one evening, I simply switched the position of the two flags. That lasted a couple of days, maybe. I then brought this to the attention of the Board of Directors … nothing. I envisioned our local media rag plastering a picture of this affront on the cover page with the headline, “One God, Under Nation?” Fortunately, one of the gentlemen on the Board eventually decided to purchase a separate flag pole of the same height which was installed a few feet away from the original. I helped dig the hole and measure for the correct depth. Right before the pole was mounted, I threw some extra dirt on the bottom of the hole to ensure that it would be at least an inch or so taller than the one bearing the American flag.


10:28 am on July 1, 2012