The Truth About Neoconservatism

The neoconservative movement bestrides, like a clay-footed colossus, every rotten activity of the US government, from war to welfare, from the police state to the empire. How did a small group of ex-Trotskyites come to take over large swaths of the conservative movement, the Republican and Democratic parties, and much of the State itself? We must know the enemy, so David Gordon’s course couldn’t come at a better time. Funny and brilliant, David provides a scholarly and fun rundown of the movement running down our society. Using Murray Rothbard’s Betrayal of the American Right and many other works, he talks about such men as Leo Strauss, the philosopher of the “noble lie,” William F. Buckley, Jr., the CIA agent to who purged the American Right of its antiwar, anti-empire heritage, and many other chilling figures. With this course, you will understand an insidious movement, and why it is, for example, Ron Paul’s biggest enemy. (They don’t like LRC, either!) We must know these enemies of freedom, their origins and their tactics—and their real ideology—to be well-equipped for the battle. Thank you, Dr. Gordon, for supplying the ammo. Oh, and did I mention that this may be David’s most un-PC course yet? Sign up!


1:32 pm on March 15, 2012