The State Invades the Home

Somehow, despite reading articles by Stephen Baskerville and Wendy McElroy on the topic, I just wasn’t getting it. In Fathers Into Felons for the American Conservative, Stephen Baskerville finally gets through. The State encroachment into the previously largely off limits parent-child bond has been through the back door of no-fault divorce. But this is no longer simply a “conservative” concern, something that anti-patriarchy left-libertarians can cheer. Once there, the State is now expanding into all homes:

The logic reaches its conclusion in directives recently published by the American Law Institute (ALI). This influential legal practitioners’ group announced on its own authority that family-law jurisdiction would henceforth encompass non-marital private arrangements such as cohabiting couples, both heterosexual and homosexual, and indeed all private homes.


8:26 am on May 24, 2005