The Roman Way

Writes Mike: “Stopped in a local bakery yesterday. The owner was beside himself. His cost per bag of flour has jumped from 9 to 23 dollars in less then a year! ‘I don’t know what people are going to do”, he said. “A lot of folks are already up against it.’ While this is bad news for Beltwayites, a glance at today’s headlines shows they still have the ‘circus’ part well in hand.”

After from the despicable show trial of Roger Clemens that Henry Waxman engineered, Arlen Specter now plans a similar star chamber in the senate. He wants to humiliate and hang people in the NFL over the “scandal” of the Patriots videotaping the game signs of the Jets. Anything, as Mike notes, to keep people’s minds off the murderous wars and disastrous economic policies of our fiat friends in DC.


8:58 am on February 14, 2008