The People’s Choice

The LRC people, that is. Here are the best-read articles for April and for last week, and the blog posts.


12:39 pm on May 4, 2008

The People’s Choice

Almost no one at the higher reaches of government is online. Touch a keyboard? That’s what secretaries do, especially when you have reached the exalted status of Assistant Deputy Undersecretary of Mashed Potatoes, or whatever.

Thus the hilarious questions that Republican officials constantly direct at Ron Paul, wanting to know what firm or consultant he hired to take over the internet.

Here’s the first MSM article I’ve seen, by Matt Bai in the New York Times, that has a clue.

This is a revolutionary movement in politics. It began with Howard Dean. But this time, the internet masses have someone worthy of their support.

The Republican establishment can be overturned. So too–when we add in the Bush Depression–can the regime. The times they are a-changin.


12:10 pm on December 9, 2007

The People’s Choice

Here are the 10 best-read articles on LRC last week.

PS: Here also are the top 10 for last month and last year.


5:04 pm on July 22, 2007