Oligarchical Weekend

How fun to see the late Sam Konkin’s vivid coinage “Kochtopus” hitting the MSM. But writers like Joe Conason do not understand the power elite. The goal of plutocrats like the Kochs is not free markets and less government. Nor is George Soros’s goal helping the poor and bringing honest peace to the Middle East. Nor does Warren Buffett seek to make us all good investors. Like the Rockefellers, such political magnates lust for more money and power through the State. That is, they itch to rule us, though not openly. That’s why they own politicians and public intellectuals: to promote and enact their schemes, and cover their tracks. The Kochs even control swaths of large public universities. And speaking of the Kochs, here is the complete program for their latest secret meeting, with all the interesting names. As usual, regime-libertarians are indistinguishable from neocons. See also the interesting Lee Fang, though he doesn’t understand the ruling class either.


3:08 pm on October 23, 2010