The Neocon Stock Market Decline?

Long before 9/11 the neocons were trying to instigate a military confrontation with China. Not that China was threatening America; they just thought it would be a neat National Greatness project for the New American Century. They “lucked out” with 9/11, however, which provided them with an excuse to pursue National Greatness Conservatism in Iraq instead. China will have to wait, until they’re through with Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea.

But they never quit hating China. So it was no surprise when I learned today while listening to a stock market analyst on a local radio station that Congress just this week proposed a special new capital gains tax on Chinese mutual funds held by Americans.

This could have been the trigger mechanism, so to speak, for yesterday’s 400+ point drop in the Dow Jones average, along with blabbermouth Alan (“Nobody pays attention to me anymore”)Greenspan’s forecast of a forthcoming recession.


12:40 pm on February 28, 2007